Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lindsey post-op

Thank you again for supporting Mayah's Fund by donating either your time or money (or both)! The surgery on May 24th went well, her repair looks beautiful and she was discharged back to the healing home earlier this week. Thanks for being a part of this miracle!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lindsey to have surgery!

Lindsey has completely recovered from her illness and is scheduled for surgery next week. Here are a few pictures of her taken just a few days ago! What a cutie-patootie!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Lindsey was hospitalized with an infection a couple of weeks ago, but is recovering nicely. Her cleft repair is scheduled for next month, so let's hope she can stay healthy until then. The good news...I am putting a check in the mail today for $1,045! This completely covers the cost of her surgery with a little extra thrown in for her nanny care. Thanks to all who contributed. I will be sure to post updates on her as I receive them.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Meet Lindsey! She is a new baby at Anhui Cleft Healing Home and will be ready for her cleft lip repair in May.

This year, Mayah's Fund is proud to be teaming up with CaSondra Shim Photography and the result are some spectacular images for our spring fundraiser. Below is a sampling of the notecards. There are 8 all-occasion cards per set, arranged in a white gift box...perfect for Mother's Day gift giving or personal use. Please consider purchasing a set for $20 or make a donation in any amount. Every dollar raised will go toward helping Lindsey to get this life-changing surgery!